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We use a wide selection of homebred and purchased stud rams from top genetics from around the region as well as outcrosses from top NSIP flocks from farther away.

We started in 2007 with 10 bred ewes from a flock in Missouri - from there we typically retain the best ewe lambs every year to grow the flock. The top ram lambs are sold as seed stock or used on our own farm, and in addition we bring in a new ram every couple years, building our flock to be moderately-sized, well put together sheep. We typically lamb in the winter, so that while we are feeding our ewes through the coldest months of the year we can use our money wisely by also feeding them well during lactation, as well as avoid lambing while it is muddy.

Our core flock is comprised of 100% registered, NSIP-enrolled Katahdins. We’ve made investments in advancing our flock genetics the last few years, culminating with a trial in sexed-semen AI, and embryo transfer from three of our top ewes and stellar ram genetics. Therefore, we do have frozen semen available for purchase from a variety of top ram genetics.

We are selecting genetics to target adding double muscling genes to increase the carcass competitiveness of our lambs to meet market demands. As we expand, we will be maintaining bot our heritage registered flock as well as developing a commercial production flock of maternal, hardy ewes employable for our contract grazing endeavours. From this flock we’ll have hair cross and KatPlus ewe lambs available for purchase, as well as proven ewes available as recipients for embryo transfer programs.